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HWB Gardens Project

Education is in the mission of Herbalists Without Borders. Food justice is health justice, and access to and knowledge of healthy foods is important for all ages. Teaching people how to grow their own food and herbs, how to use them, and how to take charge of their wellness is a part of empowering communities.

Teachers and Community Organizers are often at the forefront of community education models and participatory education is a fun and engaged way to learn.

We are currently working to expand this project into supporting the creation of gardens that are not HWB Chapter/Clinic/Project gardens, but that are working within the HWB Garden project to create a food and herb garden for their local community.

We know that providing tools and support to educators to help them teach not only about culturally relevant foods and plants but also herbal medicine, is a great way to reach communities.

Over the past few years, we have had many HWB Chapter/Clinic/Project gardens start, and have more and more inquiries from those designing gardens in other community spaces such as historical societies, school gardens, summer camp gardens, free town raised bed gardens, community center gardens, healing children's garden at a health center, a veterans garden, elder gardens, food pantry gardens, and more.

We are expanding this program to include more support for that type of community work so that we can help get more fresh food and herbal support and education into communities.

These US seed grants are designed to enhance the nutritional, social, economic, or environmental health of communities.

Priority is given to projects that will benefit underrepresented groups, serve marginalized folks, and get food and herbs to those who need them, seed-saving projects that share back to HWB International.

As well as those that benefit communities of our Members with projects such as Community Gardens, Youth or Elder Gardens, Growing Food & Herbs for the Local Food Pantry, Educational Gardens, Growing Herbs for Free Clinics & Community Outreach, and serving underserved communities.

- Our goal is to create and provide access to resources including:

- Community garden technical support

- Pre-designed garden access for food and herb plots Including various sizes such as an herb spiral, 3x6 and 4x8 raised beds, 10x10 and 20x20 plots.

- Small seed grant kits for community initiative gardens in the US

- Nature education resources

- Food and herb education resources

- Permaculture tips and techniques for small gardens

- Themed garden ideas (tea garden, dye garden, bee/butterfly garden)

- And more!

- Educational tools about the most common and safe to use of medicinal herbs

- Handouts and online tools for engagement ideas and activities about easy-to-use herbs and common culinary herbs

Two people harvesting mugwort

2023 Seed Grants are now closed. Check back in 2024!

Due to laws, restrictions, and regulations, we cannot ship donated seeds internationally. The U.S. Seed Grant Kit program is for the U.S., and we work to help other nations create similar models for seed donations, seed swaps, seed libraries, or support via grant applications to grow gardens and medicinal plants in their countries.

We are grateful to our 2023 Seed Donors!


hand dropping seeds into the ground

Photo of seed starting trays for the garden

Educational Resources:

Learning Garden For Kids
– Worm House Designs
– Garden in a Bottle
– Plant a Community Garden

Garden trowel and potted plant graphic

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