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Financial Need Membership

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HWB offers multiple levels of sliding scale for accessibility.

We understand that currency exchange rates may make USD memberships unattainable in nations where there are significant economic differences or that are experiencing economic collapse. We appreciate those that pay what they can.

Our SOLO Individual, Business, and Nonprofit memberships are set up as a sliding scale. For those who cannot access the sliding scale, we also have a Financial Need Sliding scale for additional levels of access and support. And finally, we do offer a number of financial need scholarships per year, generously donated by other members!

Full dues-paying members have full membership benefits, discounts, and more, and those paying under $40/year are processed as Financial Need Levels 0-4 members with Limited Access Member Benefits.

Please see our sliding scale tool.

Please note: While we offer sliding scale options for those in financial need, Chapters must have a minimum of 1 full dues paying members in order to register a Chapter and remain in good standing to comply with our general liability requirements and help cover the costs we incur registering in many states and nations, providing GL to all members, and mailing Coordinator packets.

Unable to pay anything?

Fill out our financial need scholarship application form here (Must Re-Apply Annually).
Financial Aid Application